SSE MBA Scholarship – do you have the courage to apply?

The SSE MBA Scholarship is based on a cooperation between Dagens industri, and Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) and gives you a unique opportunity to build your knowledge base, enhance your leadership skills and create an invaluable network.

As a Di reader, you can nominate yourself or a friend for the scholarship, which covers the full tuition fee of SEK 645,000 for the SSE MBA Executive Format program.

The SSE MBA program is designed for working professionals aiming to lead in global organizations. The program will help you grow into broader responsibilities more efficiently, sharpen your analytical skills, increase your financial understanding, and prepare you for the global business world. You will learn how to lead in both a sustainable and innovative way, and through the MBALive® pedagogy, you will instantly apply your new knowledge and skills in different projects.

The SSE MBA program starts on December 2nd, 2024, and is delivered part-time over 18 months in parallel with your daily work. It consists of ten intensive campus weeks, of which some are given outside Sweden.

To apply for the SSE MBA scholarship, you need at least a Bachelor’s degree, a minimum of five years of relevant work experience, a proven high level of English proficiency, and an employer who supports your participation. Please note that expenses related to travel, food, accommodation, or other boarding expenses are not covered by the scholarship.

If you have applied in previous years but have not been the scholarship recipient, you are more than welcome to apply again. Don´t miss the possibility to get this opportunity financed. Among the applicants, 10 - 15 will be asked to provide a complete application for the SSE MBA program, and 4 to 7 finalists will be selected, interviewed and presented to the jury, who will select the recipient of the scholarship.

Fill in the form to nominate or apply for the scholarship no later than May 31st, 2024.

The jury consists of representatives from Dagens Industri, and Stockholm School of Economics.

Please fill out the form

To be eligible to apply, you need to be a subscriber to Dagens industri, or you need to be nominated by someone who are.

Personal information of applicant *



Application text:

(Minimum 500, Max 1500 characters) You have to submit a written application of minimum 500 characters or your application will not be accepted.
(Misc. 1500 characters) Use this space for additional info, or for additional space for your application text.